

Front End

Lexical Analysis -> Syntax Analysis -> Semantic Analysis

Lexical Analysis (词法分析)

  • Create tokens

    <token-class, attribute>

Syntax Analysis (语法分析)

  • Create the abstract syntax tree (AST)

Semantic Analysis (语义分析)

  • Check the correct meaning
  • Decorate the AST

IR Generation:

  • Generate machine-independent intermediate representation (IR) based on the syntax tree

Middle End


Back End

Instruction Selection

  • Translate IR to machine code
  • Perform machine-development optimization

Register Allocation

Instruction Scheduling

  • (for example: parallelism)


Ch3-1 Finite Automata

Empty String: ϵ

Deterministic Finite Automata

A DFA is formally defined as a 5-tuple (Q, Σ, δ, q₀, F), where:

  • Q: A finite set of states.
  • Σ: A finite input alphabet.
  • δ: A transition function δ: Q × Σ → Q that maps a state and an input symbol to a single next state.
  • q₀: The start state, where the DFA begins processing.
  • F: A set of accept states, F ⊆ Q.
DFA Minimization
DFA Bi-Simulation

Non-deterministic Finite Autometa

Allow ϵ-transitions.


ϵ-closure(q) returns all states q can reach via ϵ-transitions, including q itself.

From NFA to DFA


  • When converting an NFA to a DFA, there is no guarantee that we will have a smaller DFA.

Ch3-2 Lexical Analysis

Laws of Regex

  • Commutativity and Associativity
  • Identities and Annihilators
  • Distributive and Idempotent Law
  • Closure

Regex = Regular Language

  • Any regex represents a regular language NFA/DFA
  • Any regular language DFA can be expressed by a regex

Lexical Analysis

symbol table

Pumping Lemma

If L is an infinite regular language (the set L is infinite),

there must exist an integer m,

for any string wL with length |w| ≥ m,

we can write w = xyz with |xy| ≤ m and |y| ≥ 1,

such that wi = xyizL


Context-Free Language

Context Free Grammar (CFG)

A context-free grammar is a tuple G = (V, T, S, P)

  • V: a finite set of non-terminals
  • T: a finite set of terminals, such that VT = ∅
  • SV: start non-terminals

Regular language ⊆ Context-free language

Context-free language = Push-down automata

Left-Most Derivation (=>lm)

In every step derivation, we replace the left-most non-terminal.

Right-Most Derivation (=>rm)

In every step derivation, we replace the right-most non-terminal.

Parse/Syntax Trees

Parse tree

  • Every leaf is a terminal
  • Every non-leaf node is a non-terminal


A grammar is ambiguous if there is a string has two different derivation trees.

Eliminating Ambiguity

Lifting operators with higher priority

Using Ambiguous Grammar

Push-Down Automata (PDA)


Context-free language = PDA = NFA + Stack = NPDA (Non-Deterministic PDA)

NPDA/PDA is defined by the septuple:

  • Q = (Q, Σ, Γ, δ, q0, z0, F)
  • Q: a finite set of states
  • Σ: finite input alphabet
  • Γ: finite stack alphabet
  • δ: Q × (Σ ∪ {ϵ})×Γ ⟼ 2Q× Γ*: transition
  • q0Q: initial state
  • z0 ∈ Γ: stack start symbol
  • FQ: set of final states

Instantaneous Description

An instantaneous description of a PDA is a triple

Language of PDA

At the end of computation, we don’t care about stack contents